Sunday, July 3, 2011

More Update

Last Monday, D and G went on a rescue to release a female red-necked wallaby from pool fencing she had been caught up in having been chased by 2 dogs.  This 25kg - 30kg animal had managed at full pace to jam her upper body to the waist between two steel bars about 15cm (or 6in in old measurements) once her hips hit the bars she was well stuck.  Luckily the dogs lost interest and the owner had managed to call them off.  It took about 1.5 hours to free her as D had to come and help hold her, G was there on his own.  The steel was exceptionally strong and they didn't want to risk injuring her or terrifying her with an angle grinder, so eventually used a steel crowbar to prise back the uprights.  Unfortunately during this time the animal had been bleeding from the nose and mouth and it was a very worrying situation. They kept her covered with an old rescue blanket and once freed, alerted the vets and dashed into the surgery.  Shae (the vet) checked her out and with relief discovered no broken bones, therefore no pierced lung.  Most bleeding was superficial, but she upper lung contusions(Bruises).  It was decided to give a long acting antibiotic shot and some pain relief, and bring her out here to our place.  It was risky as she was so big and only lightly sedated.
She tolerated being under car for the week in the big pen, and in the quiet of this place, with good tucker and little or no stress, D opened the gate this morning at first light and after an hour or two she hopped away into the bush. It was decided not to take her back to her old place as it is now heavily urbanised, with lots of dogs and a new highway being built within half a kilometre.
A great result all round so she was named Naiooka and will fit in well with the wild wallabies around here.

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