Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ephesus nr Selcuk

The blog has been somewhat neglected for a while.  So much going on. Stayed in the hotel Rebetika beside an ancient mosque Isa Bey Camil, fell down a few centuries ago, after an earthquake, but has bow been partially restored, is very elegant and is used by the local old boys at prayer time.  The nesting storks use the minaret, to rear their babies. Photos coming soon. They fly off when the megaphoned call to prayer starts. Poor nestlings can't though.  It was so lovely to see the storks again, not seen since the Morocco adventure. Ephesus, was amazing, and typically, D and G started from the lower end so it was a long slow and steady climb, as the day heated up and the coach loads from the cruise ships and the tours arrived. 25000 per day now but goes up to 250000 at full peak with 10 ambulances on standby. Even with all the crowds it was a truly amazing sight. The tour guides had a set path so it as relatively easy to get away from the crowds.  The beautiful red flanders poppies we blooming everywhere amongst the fallen marble columns, supported by Queen Anne's lace with flower heads as big as saucers and bigger. Fig trees ancient and huge provided shade.
On the way back down they got a ride in a horse drawn buggy and wou d their way through pomegranate and nectarine orchards, all red and glowing in the shady green trees, as they clip clopped along.

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